› STAMPS › FRANCE › Miniature Sheets › Personalized › F3696-97AMF

F3696-97AMF F3696-97AMF
Yv. F3747A/48A
2005 - Greeting Stamps : Valentine's Day - complete set of 2 offset printed stamps with heart perforation (photo label not contractual), 2 sheetlets with 10 stamps

The complete set in detail

Yv. F3747A
2005 - Greeting Stamps : Valentine's Day - Heart with Bird, Design by Cacharel - 0.53 €, sheetlet with 10 stamps
Yv. F3748A
2005 - Greeting Stamps : Valentine's Day - Heart with Bird, Design by Cacharel - 0.82 €, sheetlet with 10 stamps

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FRANCE 2006 - Sheetlet with 10 stamps to 0.10 € with publicity label
FRANCE 2006 - Sheetlet with 10 stamps to 0.10 € with publicity label
today for FREE with your order